The Holy Quran is a wonderful, coded scripture that hides a lot of information about nature. Today, we will explore how the molecular weight of water is concealed within the Quran.
We know the molecular weight of water is about 18. In Arabic the word for water is written as 

The information about water having a molecular weight of 18 is encoded within many verses of the Holy Quran. Here, we will discuss four Quranic verses that clearly relate to the number 18 and the term ‘water.’
= Surah An Nahl verse 65
= Surah Zukhruf verse 11
= Surah Noor verse 45
= Surah Sajdah verse 8
If we count the number of letters in these 4 verses, we find that the number 18 is associated with the word ‘water’ (
) repeatedly.

What is more surprising is that water is mentioned as the source of life in all these four verses. code hidden in the Quran
= Surah An Nahl Ayah 16:65 The first letter of the word “water” is exactly in the 18th place–

Surat An-Nahl [verse 65] – And Allah has sent down water from the sky and given life thereby to the earth after its lifelessness. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who listen.
= Surah Zukhruf verse 43:11 “Water” or the word contains the number 18–

And who sends down water from the sky in measured amounts, and We revive thereby a dead land – thus will you be brought forth
= Surah Noor verse 24:45 “water” or the second letter of the word is in the 18th place–

(24:45) Allah has created every animal from water. Of them some move on their bellies, some move on two legs and some on four. Allah creates whatever He wills. Surely Allah has power over everything.
= Surah Sajda verse 32:8 “Water” or the first letter of the word is exactly in the 18th place–

Thereafter He made his progeny of an extraction of contemptible water.
We can clearly see a relationship between the number 18 and the word ‘water’ in all four verses. If one thinks that this happened purely by coincidence, then that is their own decision. In my opinion, this is a miracle, like many miracles in the Quran. code hidden in the Quran
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