Human chromosome number
Human body cells have 23 pairs or 46 chromosomes, and human sperm has 23 chromosomes. Interestingly, in the Holy Qur’an, there is a relationship between the numbers 23 and 46 and the words ‘Human’ and ‘Sperm’. For example, one of the verses of the Qur’an contains the word ‘Human’ or ‘Al-Insan’. By counting the number of letters in that verse, we can establish a connection between the word ‘Human’ and the numbers 23 or 46 through the count of letters. Similarly, since human sperm has 23 chromosomes, in many verses of the Qur’an, if you count the letters, you will find a connection between the number 23 and the word ‘sperm’. Such an event could happen once or twice by coincidence, but in the Qur’an, we observe this happening countless times. Considering this recurring phenomenon, it may be related to the miracles of the Holy Qur’an.
Chromosome number in human cells is 23 pairs or 46
Human sperm has 23 chromosomes
Now we will see how many times this miracle occurs in the Holy Quran –
1. Surah Az-Zalzalah is the 99th surah of the Quran. In the third verse of this Surah, the word “Human” (الْإِنسَانِ) is mentioned. When counting the letters from the first verse, we find that the number 46 is contained within the word ‘Insan’ or ‘The Human’. It is interesting to note that human chromosomes also total 46.
When the earth shakes with its tremors when it releases its burden. And people will say, what happened? [ Surah Jiljal 99 ]
2. Again, in the third verse of Surah Ar-Rahman, there is the word ‘Human’. Counting the letters from the first verse of the Surah, the number 23 is found in the word ‘The human’. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes.
Merciful God The Qur’an taught, created Humans, [ Surah Ar -Rahman 55:3 ]
3. Surah Ar-Rahman verse 14 also contains the word ‘Human’. If we count the letters from the beginning of verse 13, we will notice that there are exactly 23 letters leading up to the word ‘Human’ in verse 14.
Therefore, will both of you deny any of your Lord’s favors? He created Humans from dry clay like burnt clay. [ Surah Ar – Rahman 55: 13-14 ]
4. In the 4th verse of Surah At-Tin (Surah 95), the word ‘Human’ (لِلْإِنسَانِ) is mentioned. Counting the letters from the first verse of the Surah up to the word ‘Human’, there are precisely 46 letters. Interestingly, if we count the letters from the beginning of the 3rd verse to the word ‘Human’ in the 4th verse, we get exactly 23 letters.
By figs and olives, and by Mount Tire in the wilderness of Sinai, and by this secure city. I have created Humans in a more beautiful form. [ Surah Tin 95:1-4 ]
5. The word ‘Human’ (الْإِنسَانِ) appears in verse 28 of Surah An-Nisa in the Holy Quran. Interestingly, the first letter of the word ‘Human’, which is ‘Alif’ (ا), is precisely at the 23rd position.
Allah wants to lighten your burden. Humans are created weak. [ Surah Nisa 4:28 ]
6. In Surah Ibrahim, verse 34 (14:34) of the Holy Quran, the word ‘Human’ (لِلْإِنسَانِ) is found. Remarkably, when counting from the first letter of the verse up to the word ‘Human’, or specifically the first letter ‘Alif’, it coincides with the 46th position.
He has given you everything you asked for. If you count the blessings of Allah, you will not be able to finish them. Surely Humans are very unjust and ungrateful. [ Surah Ibrahim 14:34 ]
07. In Surah Az-Zukhruf, verse 15 (43:15) of the Holy Quran, there are precisely 23 letters from the beginning of the verse to the letter ‘Lam’ of the word ‘Human’.
They have fixed the portion of Allah from among the servants of Allah. Real Humans are clearly ungrateful. [ Surah Zukhruf 43:15 ]
08. If we examine Surah Yasin, verse 77 of the Holy Quran, Allah says:
Does man not see that I created him from a sperm drop? Yet behold! He (openly) disputes, arguing against Us.” [Surah Ya-Seen 36:77]
In this verse, the word “نُّطرفَةٍ۬” or “Nutfah” refers to sperm, and interestingly, the word “sperm” corresponds to the letter “ن” (Nun) precisely in the 23rd position. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that sperm consists of exactly 23 chromosomes.
09. In Surah Fatir, verse 11 (35:11) of the Holy Quran, the word ‘Sperm’ (نُّطْفَةٍ) is mentioned. Remarkably, when counting from the beginning of this verse up to the word ‘Sperm’, the letter ‘fa’ (ف) is precisely located at the 23rd position.
Allah created you from dust, then from semen (sperm), and then made you into pairs. No woman conceives or gives birth except with His knowledge. No one’s lifespan is increased or decreased, except according to what is written. Surely, all this is easy for Allah. [Surah Fatir 35:11]
10. In Surah Al-Mu’min, verse 67 (40:67) of the Holy Quran, the word ‘Sperm’ (نُّطْفَةٍ) is mentioned. Interestingly, when counting from the beginning of this verse up to the word ‘Sperm’, the 23rd letter is found within the word (نُّطْفَةٍ).
He created you from dust, then from semen (Sperm), then from clotted blood, then brought you forth as children, then you entered into youth, then reached old age. Some of you die earlier and you reach the appointed time and you realize. [ Surah Mu’min 40:67 ]
11. In Surah Al-Alaq, the word ‘Human’ or ‘Al-Insaan’ is remarkably placed in various verses of this Surah, aligning with the number of human chromosomes. The word ‘The Human’ or ‘ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنَ’ (Al Insaan) can be found in the 2nd, 5th, and 6th verses of Surah Al-Alaq.
If we count the letters from the beginning of the first verse, we find the number 23 with the word ‘ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنَ’ or ‘The human’ in the 2nd verse.
Again, if we count the letters from the first verse to the 2nd verse, we will see that there is the number 46 with the word ‘ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنَ’ or ‘Human’ in the 5th verse.
Interestingly, if we count the letters from the first letter of the 5th verse, we will see that the first letter of the word ‘ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنَ’ or ‘Human’ in the 6th verse is exactly at the 23rd place.
We see how wonderfully the words ‘Human’ and ‘Sperm’ are placed within the verse, corresponding to the human chromosome number. Here are just a few examples. Many such verses can be found in the Qur’an. It is definitely proven that the Qur’an was revealed only by the Almighty God.”
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