Surah Fatiha and prime number

Surah Fatiha and prime number

The first Surah of the Holy Quran is Surah Fatiha. Surah Fatiha is the Surah we recite most often in every prayer. No other surah is recited so many times in prayer as Surah Fatiha. Surah Fatiha and prime number.

Allah says about Surah Fatiha:

I have given you seven often repeated verses and the great Qur’an. [15:87]

The surprising thing is that Surah Fatiha contains prime numbers. Its verse number, word number, and even letter numbers are prime!!

What is a prime number?– The number which cannot be divided by any number other than 1 and that number is called a prime number, such as: 3,5,7,11,13,17 etc. 4 is not a prime number because 4 is divisible by 2 in addition to 1 and 4. It is seen that as the number increases, the amount of prime number also decreases. For example, 25% of numbers between 1 and 100 are prime numbers, 16.8% between 1 and 1000, 7.9% between 10,0000. Surah Fatiha and prime number

That means the larger the number, the less likely it is to be a prime number. Surah Fatiha and prime number

Now let us see how the prime numbers are hidden in Surah Fatiha-

The verse number of Surah Fatiha 7, word number 29, letter number 139 – these three numbers are prime numbers!

The sum of the digits of these prime numbers is also a prime number

                                7 + 0 = 7 prime number!

                                 2 + 9 = 11 prime number!

                                1+3+9 = 13 prime number!

Again, the sum of the digits of this basic number is also a prime number!

                              7+11+13 = 31 prime number!

Now, if the number of verses, the number of words and the number of letters are put side by side, the large number that is obtained is surprisingly a prime number. Surah Fatiha and prime number

                                729139 is a prime number!

Again if the number of letters, the number of words and the number of verses are kept side by side, then the big number that is found, surprisingly, is also a prime number!

                               139297 is a prime number!

The letter number of first verse of surah Fatiha is 19 — a prime number, The letter count of middle verse is 11– a prime number and the letter count of the last verse is 43– also a prime number!!!

[We can easily verify that these large numbers are indeed prime numbers. If you write is prime number next to any number in Google, the word Yes or No will come up.]

Undoubtedly, this is a miracle of the Qur’an, because everything in a surah cannot be a prime number by sheer coincidence. This is only possible if someone arranges it like this. In that case, the help of calculator or computer must be taken. Therefore, it is definitely proved that the Quran is not the word of man.

The first Surah of the Holy Quran is Surah Fatiha. Surah Fatiha is the Surah we recite most often in every prayer. No other surah is recited so many times in prayer as Surah Fatiha. Surah Fatiha and prime number.

Allah says about Surah Fatiha:

I have given you seven repeated verses and the great Qur’an. [15:87]

The surprising thing is that Surah Fatiha contains prime numbers. Its verse number, word number, and even letter numbers are prime!!

What is a prime number?– The number which cannot be divided by any number other than 1 and that number is called a prime number, such as: 3,5,7,11,13,17 etc. 4 is not a prime number because 4 is divisible by 2 in addition to 1 and 4. It is seen that as the number increases, the amount of prime number also decreases. For example, 25% of numbers between 1 and 100 are prime numbers, 16.8% between 1 and 1000, 7.9% between 10,0000. Surah Fatiha and prime number

That means the larger the number, the less likely it is to be a prime number. Surah Fatiha and prime number

Now let us see how the prime numbers are hidden in Surah Fatiha-

The verse number of Surah Fatiha 7, word number 29, letter number 139 – these three numbers are prime numbers!

The sum of the digits of these prime numbers is also a prime number

            7 + 0 = 7 prime number!

           2 + 9 = 11 prime number!

          1+3+9 = 13 prime number!

Again, the sum of the digits of this basic number is also a prime number!

           7+11+13 = 31 prime number!

Now, if the number of verses, the number of words and the number of letters are put side by side, the large number that is obtained is surprisingly a prime number. Surah Fatiha and prime number

         729139 is a prime number!

Again if the number of letters, the number of words and the number of verses are kept side by side, then the big number that is found, surprisingly, is also a prime number!

          139297 is a prime number!

The letter number of first verse of surah Fatiha is 19 — a prime number, The letter count of middle verse is 11– a prime number and the letter count of the last verse is 43– also a prime number!!!

[We can easily verify that these large numbers are indeed prime numbers. If you write is prime number next to any number in Google, the word Yes or No will come up.]

Undoubtedly, this is a miracle of the Qur’an, because everything in a surah cannot be a prime number by sheer coincidence. This is only possible if someone arranges it like this. In that case, the help of calculator or computer must be taken. Therefore, it is definitely proved that the Quran is not the word of man.

Surah fatiha and prime number
Sura Fatiha and prime number

5 thoughts on “Surah Fatiha and prime number

    1. brother, can you give me links to other websites that posts such such information?

      I’m really really into the Qur’an’s mathematical aspects.

      thank you.

  1. Salam to all too !

    All of those ABOVE prime numbers patterns of the very first Surah ( Chapter ) of the Quran or Surah 1 Al-Fatihah………….those are REALLY NOT THE ONLY ONE………….there are so many more that we can arranged ( logically ) to create even more awesome PRIMES !!

    Here are just a few more ( very legitimate and very logical patterns too ) :

    5 out of the 7 VERSES of Chapter 1, Al-Fatihah will also have total LETTERS that are PRIMES :

    Verse 1 has 19 Letters.
    Verse 2 has 17 Letters.
    Verse 4 has 11 Letters.
    Verse 5 has 19 Letters.
    Verse 7 has 43 Letters.

    AND :

    [ A ]
    ( 1-2-4-5-7 ) – [ 12457 ] = PRIME ! ( 5 digits )
    ( It’s REVERSE : 75421 will not be prime )


    [ B ]
    ( 19-17-11-19-43 ) – [ 1917111943 ] = PRIME too !! ( 10 digits )
    ( It’s REVERSE : 4319171719 will not be prime )

    However, these 2 REVERSES above, ( 75421 ) & ( 4319111719 )
    if we combine them together like this below :

    [ C ]
    ( 754214319111719 ) = PRIME !!! ( 15 digits )

    And we shall also be able to get 2 more SUPERB PRIMES like these 2 below !!

    [ D ]
    ( 1-19 ) ( 2-17 ) ( 4-11 ) ( 5-19 ) ( 7-43 ),
    [ 119217411519743 ] = PRIME !! ( 15 digits )

    [ E ]……….This [ E ] is basically the exact OPPOSITE of [ D ] too
    ( 43-7 ) ( 19-5 ) ( 11-4 ) ( 17-2 ) ( 19-1 ),
    [ 437195114172191 ] = PRIME !!! ( 15 digits )


    Now logically speaking, if with a chapter with exactly 7 VERSES such as this Chapter 1, Al-Fatihah ( 7 VERSES : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ),
    then if we are to ONLY select 5 VERSES among the 7 VERRSES, we can only ARRANGE up to exactly 21 different arrangements only.

    And ( 12457 )……see [ A ] again is of course one of them.
    There are of course exactly 20 more others.

    And they are

    BUT ALL of these exactly 20 OTHER possible arrangements
    shall NEVER EVER BE ABLE to create
    as many PRIME patterns as that earlier ( 12457 ) if we are to follow exactly the same format as [ A ] & [ B ] !!!

  2. All of those ABOVE prime numbers patterns of this very first Surah ( Chapter ) of the Quran or Surah 1 Al-Fatihah………….those are REALLY NOT THE ONLY ONE………….there are many more that we can arranged ( logically ) to create even more awesome PRIMES !!

    Here are just a few more :

    5 out of the 7 VERSES of Chapter 1, Al-Fatihah will also have total LETTERS that are PRIMES :

    Verse 1 has 19 Letters.
    Verse 2 has 17 Letters.
    Verse 4 has 11 Letters.
    Verse 5 has 19 Letters.
    Verse 7 has 43 Letters.

    AND :

    [ A ]
    ( 1-2-4-5-7 ) – [ 12457 ] = PRIME ! ( 5 digits )
    ( It’s REVERSE : 75421 will not be prime )


    [ B ]
    ( 19-17-11-19-43 ) – [ 1917111943 ] = PRIME too !! ( 10 digits )
    ( It’s REVERSE : 4319171719 will not be prime )

    However, these 2 REVERSES above, ( 75421 ) & ( 4319111719 )
    if we combine them together like this below :

    [ C ]
    ( 754214319111719 ) = PRIME !!! ( 15 digits )

    And we shall also be able to get 2 more SUPERB PRIME patterns like these ( D ) & ( E ) below !! :

    [ D ]
    ( 1-19 ) ( 2-17 ) ( 4-11 ) ( 5-19 ) ( 7-43 ),
    [ 119217411519743 ] = PRIME !! ( 15 digits )

    [ E ]…………This [ E ] is basically
    the exact OPPOSITE of the above [ D ] too, or arranging from RIGHT to LEFT :
    ( 43-7 ) ( 19-5 ) ( 11-4 ) ( 17-2 ) ( 19-1 ),
    [ 437195114172191 ] = PRIME !!! ( 15 digits )


    Now logically speaking, if with a chapter with exactly 7 VERSES such as this Chapter 1, Al-Fatihah ( 7 VERSES : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 ),
    then if we are to ONLY select 5 VERSES among the 7 VERRSES, we can ARRANGE up to EXACTLY 21 different arrangements only.

    And ( 12457 )……see [ A ] again is of course one of them.

    Below are 20 other possible arrangments and plus ( 12457 ) too :


    BUT ALL of these 20 OTHER possible arrangements will NEVER BE ABLE to make as many PRIME patterns like this ( 12457 ) !!!
    Which ultimately means that Chapter 1, Al-Fatihah in indeed a TRULY SPECIAL chapter too if with regard to PRIME numbers !

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