Mathematical Quran- The miraculous balance between even and odd-numbered chapters in the Quran

Mathematical Quran
even and odd-numbered chapters in the Quran

The number of verses in the chapters of the Quran and their serial numbers are mathematical proofs that are determined by Almighty God. Because a wonderful balance can be found between the numbering of the chapters and their sequence in the form of odd and even numbers. This balance could not have occurred in the Quran without prior mathematical calculation. However, we know that the Quran was revealed slowly over a period of 23 years. Therefore, it was impossible to compile the Quran and its chapters in a mathematically balanced pattern without divine guidance. A mathematical pattern can only be discerned if there is divine guidance.

The 3rd verse of the 89th chapter in the Quran draws attention to the “even” and “odd” numbers-

وَٱلشَّفۡعِ وَٱلۡوَتۡرِ

And by the even and the odd

 Almighty God says:

‘إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُ لَحَافِظُونَ’

‘I myself have revealed this book of advice, and I myself am its custodian.’ [Surah Hijr – 15:9]

Let’s explore:

The total number of chapters in the Holy Quran is 114. Among them, the number of chapters with an even number of verses is 60, and the number of chapters with an odd number of verses is 54.

Out of the 60 chapters with an even number of verses, 30 chapters have even serial numbers, and 30 chapters have odd serial numbers. This demonstrates symmetry or balance.

Similarly, out of the 54 chapters with odd verse numbers, 27 chapters have even serial numbers, and 27 chapters have odd serial numbers. Once again, symmetry or balance is evident.”

Mathematical Quran- The miraculous balance between even and odd-numbered chapters in the Quran

A remarkable balance is evident in the number of even and odd-numbered verses within chapters and their corresponding serial numbers in the Holy Quran. This balance strongly suggests a divine determination by Allah. Altering the verse numbers or serial numbers of any chapter would disrupt this delicate equilibrium between even and odd numbers. Mathematical Quran

even and odd-numbered chapters in the Quran

Quran and mathematics even and odd-numbered chapters in the Quran

even and odd-numbered chapters in the Quran

The wonderful balance of even and odd chapters of the Quran!


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