Chapter Ash-Shams (Arabic: الشمس) is the 91st chapter of the Holy Quran, comprising 15 verses. The title ‘Ash-Shams’ means ‘The Sun’ in English.
Interestingly, the numbers 91 and 15 are intimately linked to numerous measurements concerning the Sun.
1/ We know that the sun is 4.6 billion years old and the universe is approximately 13.7 billion years old. That means the Sun was created 13.7-4.6 = 9.1 billion or 91 million years after the creation of the universe. Amazingly the chapter ‘Ash-Shams’ or ‘The Sun’ is the 91st chapter of the Holy Quran!
2/ Earth follows an elliptical orbit around the Sun instead of a circular orbit. As a result, the Earth moves closer to the Sun at one time of the year and away from it at another time. The closest position of Earth to the Sun is called Perihelion. The interesting thing is that the closest distance between the Earth and the Sun ( Perihelion) is about 91.4 million miles! and Amazingly ‘Ash-Shams’ is the 91st chapter of the Holy Quran!
3/ Average distance from Earth to the sun is about 15 crore kilometers (150 million km). The number of verses in Chapter Ash-Shams is 15!
4/ The temperature at the center of the sun is 15 million degrees Celsius. The number of verses in the Ash-Shams Chapter is 15!

5/ One of the basic building blocks of the sun is hydrogen (H). In English, the letter H is used to write the hydrogen molecule, and in Arabic, the letters ‘Ha‘ and ‘هَا‘ are used for hydrogen. The letter ‘هَا’ is present at the end of every verse of chapter Ash-Shams.
6/The Sun is 4.6 billion years old. The first verse of Surah Ash-Shams contains the word ‘Sun’ or الشمس . If we count the number of letters from the beginning of the verse, we will see that the numbers 4 and 6 are found within the word ‘The Sun’ الشمس !!