Orbit of the moon and the sun in the Quran!
If it is said that the Quran talks about the circular orbit of the moon and the sun, then many people will be surprised. Because when the Qur’an was revealed, people should not have any idea about the shape of the moon or the sun’s orbit.
The word ‘orbit‘ occurs in two verses of the Quran. Surah Ambiya, verse 33 (21:33) and Surah Yasin, verse 40 (36:40).
In Arabic the word ‘فَلَكٍ‘ (falakin) is used for ‘orbit‘.
This word Falakin has basically three meanings found in the dictionary —
The meaning of the word ‘فَلَكٍ’ (Falakin) in Google translation.

For a long time, people believed that the Sun was fixed and the planets revolved around it. This is known as Heliocentrism. In the 16th century, Polish mathematician and astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus presented a model of the heliocentric world. Copernicus stated that the Sun is actually stationary at the center, and the planets orbit around it. Later, the model was further improved by German astronomer Johannes Kepler and Italian scientist Galileo Galilei.
However, the model was later proven wrong by the observations and research of astronomers like William Herschel, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel, and others. They realized that although the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun, the Sun is not stationary, nor is it located at the center of the universe. Instead, it revolves around the center of our galaxy in a nearly circular orbit. In 1920, American astronomer Edwin Hubble observed that the solar system is part of the Milky Way galaxy, which is just one of countless galaxies in the universe.

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